Every year, the HVAC-R industry in Australia provides crucial services to provide health, safety, and comfort to millions of our places of work and rest, including our homes, businesses, hospitals, and schools. Providing these services remains our core responsibility, however, recently, and during 2020, enormous challenges have arisen.
Given the essential nature of HVAC-R services, professionals were forced to adapt and overcome in order to continue to provide critical services to our community. This ability and willingness to persevere is a testament to the industry’s strength, driven by unity, grit, and collaboration.
However, the quiet workhorse which is the HVAC-R industry oftentimes isn’t discussed and certainly doesn’t command much attention. Given this, this year, it’s important – perhaps now, more than ever – that we come together to celebrate the ongoing work which you do.
It comes but once per year: the annual date which sees HVAC-R professionals come together to celebrate the joint achievements and stellar work of the industry as a collective. Although the HVAC-R industry provides a key pillar that supports our everyday life, it’s not often that we’re able to take pause to celebrate the essential work of the industry.
A key supporter of World Refrigeration Day, and a group championing the celebration is Reece. With over 100 years of history in Australia, the group proudly flies the flag at its Actrol, Reece HVAC, and Metalflex stores.
Andrew Ellis, Customer Lead of HVAC-R at Reece, said “Our customers are the reason why we’re here and we stand behind them. We’re extremely proud of the work our customers and branches do every day. World Refrigeration Day allows us to show that and give back to our customers and our people”.
Although, changes needed to be made to keep up with the ever-shifting challenges of 2020, forcing Reece to adapt to customer needs. “We had a strong focus on supporting our customers to help them continue to provide essential work through COVID-safe practices in-store, online ordering through the maX app, and contactless pick-up and delivery”.
So, this year, to support your fellow HVAC-R professionals and celebrate the essential services you’ve provided during this challenging time, take part in World Refrigeration Day on the 26th of June, 2021. You can drop into your local Reece HVAC, Metalflex, or ACTROL branch to celebrate. But, if you can’t, wherever you are you can feel proud to be a part of this industry that provides essential services to Australians day in, day out.